...but being the eternal optimist that I am, I know that our lower-than-average temperatures will give way to an upswing of warmer weather, and even an average day will feel like paradise! Here are the numbers for April so far:
This Data For April 1 - 12 Only
Mean Average vs. Actual High: 63°/59°
Mean Average vs. Actual Low: 40°/34°
Precip: 2009 / 2008 / 2007
1.64" / 2.98" / 2.68
Days With Measurable Rain: 2009 / 2008 / 2007
5 / 8 / 5
So far, even though the temperatures have been below average, we have not had the rain we normally do during the first half of April. We have had only 39% of our normal rainfall for the month. It makes me wonder if there is a correlation between an area having below-average temperatures and below-average precipitation. That would be a fun study.
Complaining about the weather! Shame! :) In all honesty though, it's been cool pretty much every where, am I right?
I know that when it's cold up here, like middle of Winter cold, the atmosphere tends to dry up. This past January was a perfect instance.
There is a lot of April left, I think your temperatures will rise and you'll have the AC on in no time. It's MO. Expect rapid change! Right?!
Exactly, that's what I love about our weather. I can remember a 4" snow hours after a tornado. You never know what to expect down here!
I'm over my little fit today :o) Sorry to steal your sun..ha!
Wow - I don't remember the snow after the tornado - that's pretty cool!
I'm ready for needing the AC! I think I'll move to florida. :) Will you come visit me?
Ami, don't you remember one November (I think it was late 90's) when a tornado hit Lebanon? It hit the Tracker plant and there was aluminum sheeting all over the place, and wrapped around trees. Of course, you couldn't see anything for a day or two because of the snow that fell that night. I tried to find it online, but couldn't get the exact date.
I remember the tornado hitting Tracker...don't remember the snow. My memory is really horrible. I honestly think it has to do with my wreck, it wasn't like this before that happened.
Hope your week is going well. Mine is going by too slow.
Love ya!
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