Friday, June 11, 2010

June 8 Shelf Cloud

June has been relatively active for Missouri.  While we have experienced average precip here, the poor folks in northern MO have had an extremely wet 14 days.  Estimates for extreme northern MO are up to 10" according to the AHPS Precipitation Analysis team.

The purpose of this post, however is to share one of the most exciting clouds I've witnessed.  On the morning of June 8th, around 11:00 a.m., a rather large complex of storms eased its way southeast.  After hearing reports of a wicked shelf cloud 30 minutes ahead of the actual storm, I grabbed the camera and waited outside.  I was not disappointed!  I made an attemt (my first) at pasting together a panoramic of the clouds, but believe me the picture doesn't do the cloud justice.  This was amazing.

(For a larger view, click on the picture)

May Weather Summary

Since the last post, May dried off and heated up.  We enjoyed some sun at the beginning of the month, a wet--although not over the top--middle, and by the end, we were getting a nice welcome into summer.


Mean Temp:  64.7°
Deviation:  +1.0°
Maximum:  91° on May 24
Minimum:  41° on May 8


Average May:  4.97"
Actual May:  4.23"  (0.74")

Days with measurable precip:  12

Even with 12 days of measurable precipitation, we still came under the mark for the month.  This is partly due to the fact that we didn't have any 1" events, but rather more moderate amounts as shown in the above graph.  Compare this with last year's totals below.  We had 12 days of measurable precip, but over an inch more rain filled the bucket.

Other Weather Info

Days with thunder:  10
Days with fog:  4
Days with wind gust (>= 20 mph):  5

As of today (June 11), we've mowed the yard 7 times.