Wednesday, September 8, 2010

August Weather Summary

This past month is easy for me to summarize:  Hot and sticky.  I know...kinda goes with the territory for mid-Missouri in the summer, but it was just nonstop this year.  It's possible that I've just been spoiled with the fantastic summers of 2008 and 2009.  We spent much of August this year under a heat advisory, and spent a two-week period with daily Heat Indices at or above 100°.  Not only is that uncomfortable, but it's also dangerous.  Heat is the #1 weather-related killer in the country.


Notice the beginning of the month.  Although we didn't get close to records, the constant heat was very uncomfortable.

Mean Temp:  79.6°
Deviation:  +4.0°
Maximum:  99° on Aug. 3, 10, 13
Minimum:  55° on Aug. 28

As a side note, the maximum dew point recorded this month was on Aug 9 at 79°


Yes, the temperature was the big story of the month, but making its appearance in the shop talk was once again what a wet summer we are having.  For the third year in a row, we have experienced above-average rainfall amounts.  So far, for the period of June - August, we are 4.91" above the 30-year mean.  With only 7 days with measurable precip, we ended up with a total of 6.80" this month (about half of that fell on Aug. 20 alone).

Average August:  3.64"
Actual August:  6.80"  (+3.16")

Days with measurable precip:  7

Other Weather Info:

Days with thunder:  4
Days with fog:  4
Days with wind gust (>= 20 mph):  4

Number of mows:  19